Sunday, November 9, 2008
November 9, 2008
Unfortunatly we lost Jacob on the night of November 7, 2008. Thank you for everyone who has prayed & kept this little man in your thoughts. And thanks to those who still continue to pray for Jacob's family.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
November 1, 2008
Recap over the last few days from my CafeMom blog (Over 1,000 replies & 18,000 views!)
OCTOBER 29-Good news!!! Jacob peed a lot today! lol Which means his kidneys ARE working!! He's going to get a blood transfusion & some tests run on his blood later on today!!! Keep prayin ladies!!
October 31-As far as I know Jacob is still doing "okay". So hopefully he'll pull through. I've heard the first month is the hardest & he is half way there! He was 2 weeks old yesterday!
November 1-I AM SO HAPPY!!! WHen I texted Brooke yesterday she said "His color looks better. He has regained his pinkness color. His blood transfusion went good today. His spinal is showing negative for infection but that wont be final until after five days. They are going to do a renal test and an ultra sound today to check and see how his kidneys are doing-if they are letting him put out everything that needs to be out. He's still a little swollen but its going down the more he uses the bathroom. Both nurses that were with him today say he hasnt had a seizure. They have the tube in his mouth adjusted so the big piece isnt bothering him anymore. When they put him on his back today (he had been on the tummy) his stats went up. He doesnt like laying on his belly too much! But both nurses have told me to keep in mind this is a roller coaster. It may drastically change anytime. I know when I went last night and found all that out I was just the happiest. And today he still looks good." That is such a relief to me that not only Jacob is doing well but his Mama is finally happy. I really do believe that God has a special plan for Jacob... please continue to pray that he continues to get better!!! He's a fighter & God has his hand over him so I know he's got a chance!!!
So thats the latest. Will update as soon as I know some more! Keep Praying!
OCTOBER 29-Good news!!! Jacob peed a lot today! lol Which means his kidneys ARE working!! He's going to get a blood transfusion & some tests run on his blood later on today!!! Keep prayin ladies!!
October 31-As far as I know Jacob is still doing "okay". So hopefully he'll pull through. I've heard the first month is the hardest & he is half way there! He was 2 weeks old yesterday!
November 1-I AM SO HAPPY!!! WHen I texted Brooke yesterday she said "His color looks better. He has regained his pinkness color. His blood transfusion went good today. His spinal is showing negative for infection but that wont be final until after five days. They are going to do a renal test and an ultra sound today to check and see how his kidneys are doing-if they are letting him put out everything that needs to be out. He's still a little swollen but its going down the more he uses the bathroom. Both nurses that were with him today say he hasnt had a seizure. They have the tube in his mouth adjusted so the big piece isnt bothering him anymore. When they put him on his back today (he had been on the tummy) his stats went up. He doesnt like laying on his belly too much! But both nurses have told me to keep in mind this is a roller coaster. It may drastically change anytime. I know when I went last night and found all that out I was just the happiest. And today he still looks good." That is such a relief to me that not only Jacob is doing well but his Mama is finally happy. I really do believe that God has a special plan for Jacob... please continue to pray that he continues to get better!!! He's a fighter & God has his hand over him so I know he's got a chance!!!
So thats the latest. Will update as soon as I know some more! Keep Praying!
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
October 29, 2008
I dont have good news. Luckily Jacob is still with us but he's got an infection in his blood (I believe she said yeast?), his poor little heart isnt doing well & because of the blood infection he cannot have surgery, he is having seizures whenever the nurses touch him. She also told me that as of today he has gained 10 oz of fluid because he cannot pee. His brain is swelling, his whole body is swelling. His kidneys are starting to shut down. I know that God does everything for a reason & if he takes this baby he has a reason for it. I'm just praying that Jacob is just not having a good week and that he'll continue to fight for his life. Doctors are telling them that keeping him alive is just prolonging the inevitable. Which I do not believe. I've seen God work miracles. I know if its in his plan he can save this baby. I'm trying to keep her spirit up and tell her she has got to keep her faith in God but its hard. I know it is hard for her, I cannot even imagine being in her shoes but she's got nothin if she doesnt have faith..
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
October 28
Not sure if I posted this already or not but the last time I talked to Brooke she said that Jacob was laying on his tummy & pushing himself up! He lifted his chest all the way up off his bed! So she asked the nurse if maybe he was uncomfortable & she said he posisbly could be, he'd been laying down on his tummy for a couple hours. So she put him on his side & he just strrrretched out his arms & legs & went to kickin away! He is still in critical condition, but stable. His vitals are all remaining the same. His brain is still bleeding but the good news out of all that is that he is NOT getting worse!! Get to prayin' y'all, he still needs it!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
25 October
Jacob isnt doign better but he's not doing worse either. I think tho, from what she says that he is really making improvements. She sounded really optimistic of his outcome. She said last night they had him on his belly & he kept pushing himself up! Not for very long but for a second he'd push up with his tiny arms & knees and get his chest all the way off the bedding! They also had to move his IV to his head because he kept yankin at it & the nurses were afraid he'd pull it out. SOUNDS LIKE PROGRESS TO ME! She said when the nurse put him on his side he started kicking & stretching out his little arms!
Tuesday 21 October
The doctors called Brooke & Nick & wanted them to come to the hospital for a talk. Jacob has a lot of bleeding in his brain. If the bleeding continues it can cause major issues with his heart, lungs, ect. Right now everything is under control, they are going to do another scan of his brain tomorrow. I KNOW God can do miracles.
Day #3

Just got off the phone with Brooke. She's doing pretty good. She technically can be discharged today but her doctor told her if she keeps feeling "dizzy" to let him know, lol. He's trying to buy her a couple more days so she can spend as much time with Jacob. No really new news. He's still doing the same. My aunt (Jacob's grandmother) told me that on the 5th day they usually bottom out and thats when the doctors really have to fight to get him to stay with us. The fifth day will be on Monday so we'll see how that goes
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